B.O.A.T.T is a 501 C(3),
Non-Profit Organization
Do you know the definition of homelessness?
The homeless definition from the
federal law is ‘lacking a
fixed, regular and adequate nighttime residence.’ HUD’s definition includes people living in shelters,
transitional housing, or on the streets or other outdoor locations.
Information from National Homeless states that approximately
2.4% of homeless persons die every year which is about 13,000 out of half a
million. When you think about it,
homelessness is a significant health risk for individuals. Having a roof above your head becomes a
matter of life and death, according to homeless statistics.
Become our volunteer
As a BOATT volunteer, you will bless others and yourself by making a difference in the lives of those you serve and while being a blessing to others.
Help us reach our financial goals.
BOATT relies on your donations and fundraising to meet its annual operating expenses.

About us
We believe in blessing others all the time
The mission of Blessing Others All the Time (BOATT) is to serve others with love by providing for those experiencing homelessness, Veterans, Seniors, Students, and under-served communities. We want to be the resources they need for their daily walks of life. Base upon the scriptures in Luke 6:38 which tells us that if we give, it will be given back to us and Galatians 5:13 which tells us that we should serve one another in LOVE. since COVID-19, we have expanded our mission to provide more resources to more people, which includes assistance with getting birth certificates, food stamps, groceries, utilities, etc. if funds are available.
Our Causes
Make your move

Providing various assistance.
BOATT is available to provide rental assistance on an emergency basis if the funds are available. We will also assist with utilities, SNAPS, birth certificates, driver’s licenses, and much more. Email us for more details.

We love serving our veterans and all our constituents.
We love serving our constituents. We provide snacks, personal care items, socks, t-shirts, and so much more.

school supplies for children
We want to provide ongoing school supplies throughout the school year to students. We also want to be able to provide them with backpacks and school supplies at the beginning of the school year.

Partnering and collaboration is the key to having a successful organization.
Working with different organizations, profit and non-profit, allows BOATT to fulfill its mission of blessing others by serving those in need.

BOATT invites you to join our team.....
"Get On The BOATT"
Blessing Others All The Time (BOATT) invites you to join our team. We are looking for a few caring and sincere people who want to bless the lives of others while serving.
Our Impact in the Community
Serving & Blessing Others
We are doing our best to make a difference in the communities that we serve. During the year we are actively serving those that are in need. We are purchasing groceries, assisting with emergency needs and much more.